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Past Sessions
Saturday, November 26, 2022 2 Kislev 5783 - All Day
Friday, November 25, 2022 1 Kislev 5783 - All Day

SHABBAT PARSHAT TOLDOT (November 25-26) at YIP. Please join us for a very special Kabalat Shabbat with an a cappella group led by Craig Resmovits. This musical Kabalat Shabbat is only the beginning of a very special weekend. Return to the shul Friday night at 7:30pm for an inspiring Oneg Shabbat in the Beit Midrash where uplifting songs will accompany a delicious dessert and l'chaim. Finally, join us on Shabbat day for services beautifully enhanced by this a cappella group followed by a hot kiddush hosted by Shelley Katz in recognition of Gary completing his goal of layning 100% of the Torah! Everyone is invited and welcome to join all of the festivities!

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784