Announcements & Upcoming EventsRabbi Weissman Shiur: Tuesday, December 31 8:30pm-9:30pm
Shelly Portnoy's Emunah and Bitachon Class & the Recitation of Tehillim: Shelly's virtual class Lessons in Emunah and Bitachon from the Parsha will explore themes of trust and belief in Hashem in the weekly Torah readings. The group's Tehillim recitation will follow. To add or update a name on the Tehillim list and to receive the Google Meet link for the class, please e-mail Ruth at - Tuesday, December 31 8:00pm-9:00pm
Sefer Shmot shiur given by Avital Weissman: Shiur will be held at YIP. To attend via google meet, reach out to for the link prior to 8pm - Wednesday, January 1 8:30pm-9:30pm